Friday, March 31, 2017

Works for Little Shop of Horror

I don't have any picture because I forgot to take them and I didn't see any of them after all.
This week I was working on trading the Magazine picture into another paper and decorate it to look like the play is in a part of it .
I did help doing many stuffs but I didn't remember most of them. Mostly I helped doing decoration for the big plant that going to be in the stage later on. 

Friday, March 24, 2017

Woods alike painting

This week I was working on some parts for the play. I painted the box to be brown like wood color and designed the sign : 1313 and SALE.

The brown color was hard to make because I have to mix alot of color to make that color and paint the box. The next day I was working on writing 1313 and SALE on 2 boards for the play. I've been working on small things but I don't really remember them. 

"Todd has the signs and I don't know where are they. Can you take pics for me please?" 

Friday, March 17, 2017

Foam Leaves

Leaves made from foam

This week I was making leaves for the play '' Little Shop of Horror''. I made 3 leaves and they are very big for stage 3 and 4 of the monster plant. It's even bigger than me. First, I get 3 big foams around 3''5 inches each and draw them as leaves. Start cutting them out with the sharpen knife. 

After they all set, I cut right in the middle and put the steel inside the leave for it to stand better. Hot glued them and wait them to dry.

After they been dried, my classmates started painting the leaves to be green as the plant and repeated with all the leaves. And we will give the leaves some details for them to be completely done.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Cardboard Hambuger and Fries


I was making a hambuger out of cardboard for my Art class project.

First, I will draw out the inside of an hambuger with pencil and start cutting them out.
I cut out parts are : Lecture, 2Onions, 2Breads, Beef. and Fries.

The beef I glued a small foam inside so it looks like a hambuger more.

After cutting them out. I painted them with acrylic paints.

Green as Lecture, White as onion. Brown as Beef and the cardboard color for breads.

I'm not yet done with the project and I have to make more of food out of cardboard . When I put them together , you can tell it's a hambuger with a side order fries. It needs more details and color so it looks more realistic.

Even though they are only cardboard, but the main thing is the mind of creativity making stuffs without any help, just with a topic